Friday, January 11, 2008

Pams People & other Stuff

Well today has been a strange one, I woke up early & went on Sagazone, what else would anyone do first thing in the morning but no messages, had breakfast then had a shower, watched TV for a while, tidied up then fell asleep, to much time with the Owls (another blog to come) the previous evening.

Went over to my friends then into town to see Pams People who I have mentioned previously, they were supposed to be the entertainment at a local church hall, at a meeting I was attending about health issues.

The first person I saw I recognised but could not think who he was (senior moment) then we both realised who the other was, I had known him at a day centre I used to attend when my health was poor & he was another of the users, he had health problems but had fought to overcome them. He explained that he was now involved in water skiing as he had prior to having health problems & was now in the top people in the country, this was despite being told he would never walk again never mind water ski, shows what we can do despite the experts.

What saddened me was how many years had passed since our last meeting & that thing where we say I must make the effort but never quite make it until we bump into each other years later, I worked it out it was at least 8 years ago.

Well on to the main event, well no, Ring & Ride were late so nothing happened for another half hour, when we finally went into the other room & I came across my friend Jackie from Pams People, we had a chat & I am now the official number one groupie for them, we had a chat about the concert I am involved in which she is helping to provide the entertainment as well as act as compere of the show.

Well the show started & despite the small audience the cast were really enthusiastic in the various numbers they sang mainly from musicals, so I was in my element very quietly singing along & the audience showed their appreciation to the group.

One of the problems I have with this group is that certain of the members have something about their facial expressions that I really enjoy, to be fair all really got into their songs & roles but when Rob was singing there was something kind & fun when he sang as there was with Jackie, with a twinkle in her eye, even more so in the comedy songs. As always I had a problem with Barbara who has such a lovely smile, but also puts so much enthusiasm into her parts, even when in the background

Having said that Eddie really impressed me with his rendition of “If I loved you” from Carousel & it brought back a whole range of memories to me from the past, but the best was yet to come, Jackie sang “Once You Loose Your Heart” from Me & My Girl beautifully, but suddenly the pianist stopped, Jackie continued unaccompanied, realised there was a problem with the sheet music, carried her copy over to him & he picked up again whilst she continued to sing in tune with no hint of concern, what a person.

Well then we had a medley from the group when various people sang various songs until Barbara sang “Wouldn’t It Be Lovely “ from My Fair Lady”, which includes a small dance, sadly the floor was slippy & she ended up on the floor still singing, got up & whilst not missing a beat, even better went back to her little dance, a true professional, fortunately she had done no real damage to herself.

I felt everyone had truly enjoyed the performance, so now down to business of the night, well no Ring & Ride had come so that was the end of that, so we said our goodbyes.

I think its worth mentioning that a local councillor who I have known for over 15 years was at the venue, so we had a chat, I have always been impressed that he seems a fair person & always willing to help people over the years. We reminisced about the fact that apathy seems to rule in life, people complain to him & feel that is the end of their involvement & if he cannot resolve he is of no use, whereas if they became involved in the process & made effort themselves there was a greater chance that change could be effected, its nice to see people like him still exist a reminder that there are still caring people in politics.

Came back home guess the first thing I did, yes turn the computer on have a look for new posts on Sagazone, WHAT nobody has sent me a message all day where am I going wrong, so this is why I have done this blog just to remind you all I am still out there, thanks for reading this

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